Thursday, October 31, 2019

Multimedia Creative Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Multimedia Creative Project - Assignment Example According to Richard Louv’s ‘The Nature Principle’ he tells of how the  entire  family and whole societies can get happier, smarter and healthier through more encounters with the natural world (Louv 10). In this project, one out of his ten reasons why children and adults need vitamin-N is analyzed. The reason I chose is ‘Nature can reduce depression and improve psychological well-being (5).’ Scientists in Sweden have discovered that joggers who practice in natural green environments feel more reinstated and less angry, anxious, or depressed than individuals who burn the similar amount of calories exercising in a constructed urban setting (Louv 10). The reason I pick this reason is that in my video I experienced what the Louv’s discusses. When I was along the road in between the vegetations I felt restored and breathe fresh air that made cycling very enjoyable. The environment was green and lovely thus a place to reduce depression and improv es psychological health. However, a long the town center it was dull, congested and no fresh air (Louv 10). This is an indication that doing exercise within the town is less enjoyable, cannot reduce depression or improve psychological well-being. Researchers have developed models that can be used to associate human and nature. One of those models is HANDY (Human And Nature DYnamics) (Haila 100). This was originally constructed on the basis of predator-prey framework or model. Here the human population is taken as the predator, while nature, the natural possessions of the adjacent environment, can be seen as the prey, exhausted by humans. In animal frameworks, carrying capability is an upper limit on long-term population. The moment the population exceeds the carrying capacity, phenomenon such as migration or starvation bring the population back off (Haila 100). . However, in the circumstance of human communities, the inhabitants does not

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Perception and intelligence Essay Example for Free

Perception and intelligence Essay Popular ideas of human development need revision to encompass the experience of older persons. In our too quick assumption that old age is a relentless downhill course, we ignore the potential of older persons for strength as well as for a richer emotional, spiritual, and even intellectual and social life than may be possible for the young. Overall physical health of the body plays critical role in determining the energies and adaptive capacities available to older people. They experience a great deal more acute and chronic disease than the younger population. If significant breakthroughs occur in research and treatment of diseases of the aged (heart disease, cancer, arthritis, chronic arteriosclerosis, and acute and brain syndromes), one can envision a very different kind of old age. Assuming adequate environmental supports, including proper nutrition, old age could become a time of lengthy good health with a more gentle and predictable decline. The Process of Becoming Old The kind of personality one carries into old age is a crucial factor in how one will respond to the experience of being old; personality traits produce individual ways of being old. But we will explore the general characteristics of old age and the changes that are fairly common to the aging population at least in the west particularly in the United States, which could also be attributable to other countries (Butler et al. , 1998). Physical changes: Some of the outward alterations experienced by older persons are graying of hair, loss of hair and teeth, elongation of ears and nose, loss of subcutaneous fat, particularly around the face, wrinkling of skin, fading of eyesight and hearing, postural changes, and a progressive structural decline that may result in a shortened trunk with comparatively long arms and legs. Not all of these changes happen to everyone-nor at the same rate. Recent researches have revealed that some or perhaps many of these changes are results of disease states that occur with greater frequency in late life and may be treatable, either by slowing the course of the disease or by preventing it entirely. The potential for life can be lengthened and enhanced, but mysterious flow of human existence from birth to death will prevail (Schaie Willis, 1996; Hurlock, 1982 Peterson, 1989). Although internal changes are not as readily observable as external ones, they are nevertheless are pronounced and as widespread. The muscles tend to become progressively less elastic over time. The most obvious consequence of diminished muscle tone is tiredness and decreased physical strength (Peterson, 1989). The density of our bones become more porous, brittle, fragile (Belsky, 1999) and are subject to fractures and breaks, which are increasingly slow to heal as age progresses (Hurlock, 1986). Internal organs go through a marked transformation. Atrophy is particularly marked by spleen, liver, testes, heart, lungs, pancreas, and kidneys. Perhaps the most marked change of all is in the heart and least and the last affected are the gastrointestinal tract, the urinary tract, and the smooth muscle organs. The senses: Vision and hearing become less sensitive with age. But most of this deterioration is cumulative, beginning early in life. The sensitivity of the other sense of taste, touch, smell and balance also decline with age, though the implications of these changes are generally less serious than for vision and hearing (Schaie Wills, 1996 Peterson, 1989). The motor system: The brain’s rate of electrical activity declines during old age and the conduction speed of the impulses along neuronal fibers throughout the body also decreases. There is slowing down in reaction time-the ability to quickly and accurately take action after a signal to respond appears- with age. It has three major components: sensory transmission time; motor execution time, and central processing time, which involves interpretation, decision, and association. The decreasing speed of processing information could account for many of the observed age differences in learning, memory, perception, and intelligence (Schaie Willis, 1996; Peterson, 1989; Belsky, 1999).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Different Between Favouritism Cronyism And Nepotism Philosophy Essay

The Different Between Favouritism Cronyism And Nepotism Philosophy Essay The effect of nepotism has been opinion based rather than facts and incidents therefore views on the subject vary from situation to situation. Nepotism at work refers to favouring relatives in employment or economic terms as opposed to them being judged on ability and/or merit in a specific organisation. This could include  a position over somebody else who may be more suitable for the position, whereby you would be paying a relative more money than somebody doing the same job or granting them special favours. However, nepotism can be viewed in terms of people giving somebody a boost up to allow them to get into an organisation but will be treated in the same manner as everybody else. Although nepotism is in the sense of the word, refers to relatives, it can also mean to allow friends to be incorporated into an organisation or to be granted simply favour in general. Smaller, family owned businesses are the organisations this more common occurs and that is perfectly understandable. In a small business in particular, limited options exist for career advancement. When employees see that the owners daughter or son has been promoted to a managerial post, the idea of favouritism and special treatment is impossible to overcome especially if the new manager shows signs of been less qualified than the other applicants that applied. The existence of a nepotism policy ensures that all employees are treated equally and that the owner of the organisation cannot influence the hiring, promotion or discipline of a close relative. The policy allows for reduction of favouritism by enquiring all employees to disclose relevant conflicts, such as a close personal or business relationship with all current employees, and more importantly it restrict the employees involvement with employment decisions relating to their relative. Family owned businesses have always had a tradition of the reins being passed down from generation to generation and their succession totally relies a lot on the emotional ties which bonds a family together. That being said, if the company also employs staff outside of the family as well, its important for the companies well-being to maintain a strict working relationship where the family member(s) is treated no more than equal to all of the rest of the staff who may hold a similar position to them in order that the workplace remains peaceful and there are no accusations of special treatment. In most cases, you will often find that family members have to work ten times harder than the average outsiders to prove themselves worthy of holding specific positions and to avoid such assumptions from arising. 1.2.1. The different between favouritism, cronyism, and nepotism? As favouritism is the broadest of these three terms, well start with its definition. Favouritism is just what it sounds like; its favouring a person not because he/she is doing the best job but rather because of some kind of personal relationship either with the manager or the owner of the company that you would be employed in. Favouritism is currently represented in three different ways hiring, honouring, or awarding contracts. The most common cases are giving public service jobs to those who may have helped you during an election for a person in power. Favouritism has always been a major problem in government services over the years. In 2010, a survey was done and it was found that only 46% of government workers thought that promotions received in their department were based on merit. They believed that it is who you are connected to or rather who u know and more importantly the partnerships you made while been in the government departments, and other factors played a major role. The second term is cronyism which is a more specific form of favouritism that refers partial towards friends and partial towards associates. As the old saying goes, Its not what you know but who you know, or, rather Its not what you dont know; its who your college roommate knows. Cronyism occurs within a network of insiders who provide favours to one another due to association. The last phrase is nepotism which is an even narrower form of favouritism. It originated from the Italian word which means nephew, it covers favouritism to members of the family. Both nepotism and cronyism often occur at offices where political parties recruit candidates for public officials. 1.2.2. The Most Common Reasons for Nepotism in the Workplace According to the service industries in government departments are subjected to nepotism at various work levels. The economic and political structures are given as the common reasons for such favouritism in such departments. What happens in bigger firms and organizations? Employees are affected by nepotism in one way or another in bigger organizations as well. This cronyism allows both short term and long term negativities amongst employees and in turn impact the organizational growth as well as the performance levels of that specific organisation. Let us take a closer look about how nepotism spoils employee morale and workplace culture. Here are examples of different case studies and decisions International Case Studies Nepotism Case Study #1:   FACTS: An employee was hired in May 2010 to work as an assistant sales manager for a waste management company that also supplied portable toilets and provided septic tank services. The employees job required him to develop and implement businesses amongst existing and new clients.   He could earn a bonus based on his sales input on a monthly basis. In February 2012, the employee became romantically involved with senior office manager.   They moved in together a month later.   Although their relationship was commonly known in the office, at no time did the employer advice either parties that their employment might be in jeopardy as a result of their relationship. In October, the first employee was fired due to his common-law relationship with the senior office manager. The employer concluded that because office manager was one of two financial control officers as well and was privy to confidential financial information, that placed her in a conflict of interest with the employee as one of her duties was to input data regarding all sales which were linked to employee bonuses. The employer was of the view that the common law relationship between the employee and the manager was not an acceptable business practice and created an unacceptable business and financial risk to the organisation. The employee immediately filed a complaint of discrimination on the basis of marital status. The Board of Inquiry resolved that there was definitely a  case of discrimination that was made out because: Although living in a common-law relationship for only a short period of time, the employees in question were living together and this was regarded as the marital status in the Human Rights Act; The employee was treated differently than other employees and terminated as a result of his relationship with the office manager and, as a result, was discriminated against on the basis of marital status To determine if this form of discrimination was justified, the Board of Inquiry determined that the employer was unable to meet the standard requirements because: The employers standard policy requirements stated that the office manager could not enter into a living relationship with an employee due to the confidential nature of her position.   This standard did not necessary connect to the performance of the employees jobs; There was no bad faith on the part of the employer in implementing its standard; The standard was not reasonable and could accomplish the work-related purpose because the employer overlooked relatively simple checks and balances that could have been put in place to protect the business.   For example, the employers General Manager could have been asked to review the input of data relating to bonuses that the employee might have been entitled to. The Board ordered the employer to compensate the employee an subsequently amount in general damages, also to write the employee a letter of apology and to participate in a well needed training course with the Human Rights Commission on the duty to accommodate. The employer appealed the decision to the Court as soon as the verdict was concluded. OUTCOME: The Court also found that the Board ruled correctly that the employee and office manager were living in a common-law relationship and protected from discrimination on the basis of marital status; The Court disagreed with the Boards analysis of the first step, ruling that the workplace standard at issues was to limit access to confidential information and to avoid creating a situation where the office manager could possibly be placed in a position of conflict between the interests of their employer and the interests of the employee, who they were in a relationship with.   The purpose of the policy was mainly to identify it as being unacceptable business and financial risks.   The policy was found to be rationally connected to the performance of the office managers job as their work involved inputting information that formed part of the basis on which the employees bonus was calculated; The Court agreed with the Boards overall conclusion that the employer could have accommodated the marital relationship here without incurring undue hardship.   As the General Manager already reviewed the office managers work, he could simply have reviewed any data that would have affected the employees bonuses. The Court upheld the damages award and the requirement of an apology letter but found that ordering the so needed training course was inappropriate. WHAT TO relevant FROM THEse CASES: The creation of an anti-nepotism policy should be considered by employers before they are implemented and given their application will always give rise to  cases of discrimination. The fact that two employees are related on any level will not be enough to justify an application of an anti-nepotism policy.   The family member or marital relationship in question must be relevant to the ability of one of the related individuals to perform his or her job duties. Anti-nepotism policies should be designed to limit the impact on the affected family member.   A policy that only takes into consideration the employers interests will not stand up to scrutiny. Employers must be prepared to show that when they applied the policy, they gave considered the circumstances of the affected employee and they accommodated the employee to the point of undue hardship.   Rigid application of an anti-nepotism policy will cause an otherwise justified policy to fail. Ive been in this situation to many times to mention and in prior cases as well, which didnt turn out well.   And more recently, I dont know what the outcome is just yet. Case Study #2   Very early in my career, a friend of mine was looking to get into the same industry I was currently employed in.   I had been employed for a couple years and due to a lot of hard work and some downright luck, I had become what I would consider a master mind and gained a better job title after some time. I was confined to sharing all my details of the company and had not yet got many contacts in other areas except for the one I was employed in. A friend asked if I could forward their curriculum vitae to the organisation which I was employed in to see if they could get their foot in the door. I knew the friend pretty well and thought theyd make a good addition to the organisation and figured what did I have to lose? Inside my head, it was another story, there were also some other thoughts going on in the background that I should have paid attention to. On the positive side, I had thoughts like he is a great person, he would be cool to work with, Id love to see him working here, and he would do it for me in a heartbeat? On the negative side, I was thinking, am I making the biggest mistake hiring him? Since I had no contacts in the area that I was employed in, I had to approach an old college contact that I hadnt kept in touch with and ask who the decision-makers of my firm were, I then made contact with a hiring manager, introduce myself and basically sold my friend curriculum vitae and line up an interview. I highlighted all positive interactions Id had achieved and some demonstrated leadership examples and past work experience that I was familiar with that seemed valid at the time. I dont know if my call had anything to do with it, but I understood that my friend got a call back for an interview later in that week. Well, a few weeks later, I asked how the interview went when we saw my friend and I was horrified to hear that my friend missed the interview. They claimed something happened with their calendar or cell phone or something and completely missed the interview. I felt like I had totally wasted the one opportunity I probably had at helping someone out with that group and now I looked like a fool for recommending someone so unprofessional. Straight after this event, my friend got an offer from another company. So, I started to wonder if this was really an honest mistake or they just blew off my company once they got other job proposals, but either way, it left me regretting my decision to help them out in the first place. I had spent considerable time, effort, and professional capital in trying to make something happen and it was all in vein. Case Study #3   A year or two later, I was approached by another friends relative who was looking to get into my field actually. They had obtained an engineering degree and wanted to get into a higher paying industry and seemed intelligent, mature and very responsible. I didnt know them very well, but because they were a relative of a good friend of mine and they genuinely seemed like a good candidate, I figured I would at least pass their curriculum vitae on. We had hung out a few times and I knew them at least well enough to pass on the curriculum vitae to the right people. This time though, due to the fact that I was burnt before, I decided to just pass on the curriculum vitae to the right person, but made no further attempts to ensure the person an interview. I researched a bit into their interests, ability to relocate, etc. and then put the curriculum vitae into the hands of some of the hiring managers. I was actually a part of the hiring process at the time, but didnt think it would be ethnical to hire that individual myself, nor did they seem like a perfect fit for my particular area that the position was available for. Strictly on merit the person made it into the next stage and without my knowledge attached my name as a reference.   When questioned I was honest and explained we didnt have any personal relationship. I had just replied that I met them a couple times and they seemed qualified, but given professionalism and personal history with them, I couldnt really make an endorsement one way or other. Well, when the friends relative called one day to check in, they pretty much alluded to the fact that the only reason they wanted to get in was so my company would pay for their further education, which is somewhat common in my field, but was not offered in their current role. They were basically looking for me to facilitate for them to take advantage of my company. Again, while I had played a very minor role in just passing an curriculum vitae along, I felt responsible for another bad situation involving nepotism or whatever you want to call it. I didnt play a major role and was curious how it panned out. Through whatever means during the interview process, I assume one of the interviewers picked up on the agenda and they opted to not extend an offer to this specific person. If they had extended an offer, what would I have been required to do, ignore the situation?   Or intervene?   I continued to question myself how and why I also got involved in these situations and was relieved when it ironed itself out through no fault of mine. After these two specific cases, Id pretty much had it with the hook me up thing. While hearing similar story from other friends of mine, I can only imagine that the outcome is always a negative one. For the one case that works out well, where 5 years later, someone looks back and says, Hey, that college buddy of mine is doing a great job and loves it here after I helped him land an interview, there are probably many more cases where someone got burned. Situation   This brings me to the most current situation. We have an acquaintance that was recently laid off and just now started looking for work again. The other day, they approached me and asked if Id forward their curriculum vitae around and speak with the hiring managers visible on the external job board. On one hand, again, with someone with a young child out of work, nice person, responsible, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦how you can just say, No, Im not helping? I barely know them on a personal level and had been burned so many times before. So, Ive agreed to pass along the curriculum vitae to someone I actually do know in the particular field whom I asked to review and forward along if they felt appropriate and I also checked around on another upcoming job posting that will go external and I passed that along as well. But I decided not to contact any hiring managers, as I dont know them, and I barely know the person as well. If things pan out their way, great it will be by natural means through the established system, and if not, I was at least honest in my reply that I had passed it along to some individuals I did know who may be looking for someone with similar qualifications which I did. But due to my past experiences and my conflicted feelings over the ethical aspect, Im not going the extra mile in trying to give them a significant advantage over other candidates coming in with no such advantages. Here are some positive outcomes of nepotism   I think there are some clear pros and cons to having current employees recommending or hiring people they know for jobs. On the positive side, you already know the person on a personal level and that could be an advantage. You would like to think this person wont make you look bad and would appreciate the opportunity that you have been awarded them. Perhaps oneday, they will help you out in a similar situation?   Lets think about the networker themselves isnt a go-getter a sign of someone with initiative someone whos going to sell your product, advance your agenda, and more importantly get results?   Well, maybe, but thats the going viewpoint. Here are some negative outcomes of nepotism   Is it right?   Is it ethical?   If you have two candidates one is rather outgoing, has tons of friends and family and has all the people voting for them for a special role; do they deserve a boost up on this next guy? Candidate 2 is rather quiet and doesnt really go out of his way to play the popularity card along people. They just work hard and get their hands dirty and maintain by doing the right thing, they will be granted the right career opportunities which their solely deserve. All other things being equal, in the real world, the truth is Candidate 1 is more likely going to get the job. But is that right? Some organisations actually have policies against nepotism and there are nepotism law cases, but the reality that it is quite pervasive in society today, almost expected. Perhaps you have your job because of nepotism.   Perhaps you were passed over for a job because you didnt know the right people.  Ã‚  Perhaps you dont even know it. Disclosure:  I landed my first job in industry by chance I was qualified and made a good impression and didnt know a single person that worked at my company. I found flyer advertising for an organisation in one of my campus halls senior year and checked it out and it eventually led to a job. In hindsight, that was sheer luck that I happened to come across that specific flier which I needed a job the most. If I hadnt landed a job post-graduation, would I have required someone I knew to hook me up?   I dont know, probably.   Wouldnt you? Case Study #4 -Some years ago I was working with a pleasant, remarkable, young man who had just joined the newspaper from a local rag. He was inexperienced and finding it hard to adjust to the relentless deadlines, but we were happy to help out and answer his questions all day. Three months later, we were informed that he had been made our boss. It didnt make any sense at the time. He was still not able to handle the everyday pressure and was the least on the desk, but he had the job. I found out later that he was related to the editor, which goes a long way to explaining his effortless rise to the top. This was a simple lesson in life. It had nothing to do with my performance or merit and everything to do with the fact that they were related; I simply could not compete on such a level. Ten years later, he has made it and prospered, and had definitely proven his worth. The media industry is common known for such nepotism. Most times parents try to secure internships and even teen columns for their student offspring, while husband and wives seek the best joint ventures they can find. The same incidents can be seen in different circles, organisations, and political lives. On the other hand, I have been coaxing a board of members that is divided over the appointment of a new director who worked with the CEO before his appointment. Even though he is clearly the most talented and experienced member of the board, no one believes he got his job on merit. So is nepotism a good or a bad thing? I take a serious view, believing that we are hard-wired to look after our family and friends. He believes that nepotism has produced both positive and negative results in everything from ancient Chinese clans to Renaissance papal lineages and American families like the Gores, Kennedys, and Bushes. Practised badly, nepotism is embarrassing to everyone, including the individual, but done well it can benefit society as a whole. In business, no one seems sure how to talk about nepotism or discuss it openly as it is a very sensitive subject. But what do you do if you find yourself managing the bosss son? Do you treat them in the same way as everyone else and risk alienating them or annoying your boss? Or do you handle them with kid gloves just in case? Nepotism conflicts fundamentally with basic American values and merit that some companies have instituted formal anti-nepotism policies. But even in organisations that claim not to tolerate nepotism, there are often clear, if not many examples of nepotism. Take Paul Wolfowitz, whose attempts to secure a pay and promotional deal for his partner, Shaha Reza, meant he lost his job at the World Bank. Its interesting to see the cultural bias at work here, too. Nepotism is considered a good thing in Asian and African companies, which are more likely based on family network. In the companies in certain Cities they have traditionally recruited from families within Britains social elite. On a recent BBC radio programme on nepotism, Dr Gillian Evans of Manchester University explained that social and family networks provide a critical safety net for upper middle classes and children who might have failed their exams or fluffed their first job. A well-placed contact could smooth over their failure, find them a job, and restore them to their rightful place in society. This can be very frustrating for those of us who dont have the luxury of a security net, who have to struggle through with grit and hard work. But is there anything we can do besides becoming consumed with envy? Is there anything we could learn for this? I suppose the most positive thing is to start developing a personal network that would work for you. There are three main things to remember. First and more importantly, network yourself to those in power all the time tell them who you are and what you can do so that if the big job comes up, your name will be on their lips all the time. Secondly, build a strong connection with all the influential contacts that you acquired, making sure they like you and care for you on a personal level. Finally, make sure that, if you get the job, you have the skills to make a success of it. You will have far less margin for error than the bosss son. How do you feel about nepotism at work? Have you experienced it in a positive or negative way? Or are you experiencing difficulty because you were the one who got a job through someone you knew? Nepotism and the affects it has on Employee Morale? Why do people prefer having their relatives or friends at their workplace? What do they want to achieve, apart from allowing their relatives or friends to work with them? According to an HR consulting firm, employing relatives or friends saves costs on recruiting and training. It is also believed to help reduce employee turnover since the relatives are highly committed to organization growing. However, most of the time, having a relative in the organization spoils the  morale of employees. What are all the reasons? Read on. When you give a relative a important position or promotion, u naturally bypass an employee with strong merits, and this spoils employee morale as a whole. Employees feel used and overlooked merely because they not specifically related to you and therefore they start looking for other opportunities to join another organisation sooner than they intended to. Employees affected by favouritism see no career opportunities in the organization and in turn lose interest in the companys growth. The level of been committed is lowed and the loyalty and more importantly the sense of ownership are lower since the employees doesnt feel like they are achieving any personal growth. The employees who supervisors the relatives of the employer find it difficult to handle them and take corrective action if necessary. This greatly affects team morale which can lead to a high level of employee attrition. How would you feel if your spouse faced you during an important official meeting? Well, organizations have different opinions on a husband and wife working together. In order to avoid conflicts or workplace stress, some organizations have created policies against both spouses working together for them. A few companies, namely the IT organizations that work with an onshore-offshore model, prefer having both the husband and wife working for them. This allows the organisation send them together to onsite projects. It helps the employers to retain their services on long-term onsite project. Nepotism can cause ill feelings on inequality that employees may react to in one way or another. The first problem you could face is to undermine the favoured workers capabilities and attempt to sabotage her projects. These efforts could result in getting her fired, however, it could result in costly mistakes and loss of time which can then potentially impact customers relations in organisations. The second reaction is an attitude of defeat. If employees assume that promotions and perks will always go to friends of the boss, they will likely less incline to do their best work to show their potential. Resentment and indifferences can lead to the reduction of productivity as well as employee turnover if workers decide that nothing will ever get better. Nepotism Effects On The Organizational Culture? Some employers feel that the level of loyalty, morale, trust and commitment of friends or relatives they hire is higher compared to others in the workplace. Control:  Unfortunately, not all family members and relatives come with the right merit to be employed for a particular position or a role. When the manager is not allowed to control an employee just because she is a relative of an employer, imagine what will happen to the companys discipline. Nepotism allows rules to be broken and can lead to a hectic situation for business owners. Ethics:  When relatives are involved, the companys ethics can get spoiled and even go into ruins. Let us take an example of one of the India-based IT giant. Despite the raise by the board members, its founder went ahead and acquired infrastructure companies owned by his sons. This led the company to lose its share by more than half and the investors to experience a greater loss. Not only was the workplace culture affected, but employee morale was also highly affected. The attrition recorded was very high. Allowing nepotism at any level creates excess damage to the organizations culture. Nepotism at the higher management or leadership level will greatly spoil the company image and growth.   When you start losing the trust of your employees.  The biggest problem which you as an employer will be facing with hiring people from your family is the possibility of your employees losing trust in you. Nepotism becomes a major problem when your employees feel that the relative who was employed isnt qualified for the job, or that someone better was rejected due to the fact that they were not related to the owner of the organisation. If it comes to this than it will be very hard for you to try and earn back the trust of your employees. And if you are unable to get your employees to trust you than for me the only solution is to start over again because without trust any business is doomed. The problem with hiring unfit people for the job.  The second most specific problem with nepotism in the workplace is that you may end up with people that dont have any qualification to suit the job specifications. Dont let your feelings get in the way when it comes to business transactions. Dont hire someone just because you believe he or she is a part of your family. Any business is just about simple math. You need to make sure that the people you hire bring value to your team and they produce a good quality product which you can make a profit of. So feelings have nothing to do with it. If the person you hired is not bringing extra value fire him or her without any regrets. How to lower employee morale.  Nepotism in the workplace will hurt you in the first few weeks no matter how qualified the person you hired is. It is inevitable for employee morale to drop when you hire someone from your family. The employee will immediately make the connection that you are preparing the person you hired for the job you currently ho

Friday, October 25, 2019

Angelas Ashes Essay -- essays research papers

Angela’s Ashes Title:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The title of this book is Angela’s Ashes. The title doesn’t make a lot of sense because the story about Angela’s cremation and her lost ashes is found in part two of the book. However, ashes do appear in the book in relation to Angela. An example of this would be the ashes from Angela’s Woodbine cigarettes. And another example would be Angela sitting next to the ashes from the fireplace during hard times. Author:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Frank McCourt was born in depression-era Brooklyn and remained there until the age of four when he left with his family to his native country, Ireland. He came face too face with many hardships but managed to make it back to New York city at age nineteen. Upon his arrival Frank worked as a high school English teacher for forty-five years. After retiring from teaching, Frank, along with his brother, Malachy, performed a two man show called â€Å"A couple of Blaguards.† Frank won the Pulitzer Prize for his book Angela’s Ashes in 1997. Major Characters:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main character of the book is Frank McCourt himself. The entire book is written in first person. He describes his life as a â€Å"miserable Irish Catholic childhood.† And he certainly has the right to. His family was forced to move out of the United States, and move to their native country, Ireland. There Frank came upon many hardships such as the loss of his twin brothers, Eugene and Oliver, and his drunken father who couldn’t get a job for very long and only making matters worse. Frank is a very smart and diligent student. His classmates however show no respect for him because he is poor. He then quits school to begin working at the young age of fourteen. And when he leaves his job at the post office to write threatening letters and deliver and manage a Protestant newspaper he is criticized. He has plenty of adventures in both jobs. He even falls in love with a seventeen year old girl, Theresa Carmody, who is dying of consumption. Frank earns p lenty of money from his work, and he has plenty of dreams about escaping poverty and returing to America and sending the rest of his family to later join him. His dream of returning to America does in fact come true, but before that Frank is very worried about how he will be punished in the afterlife and whether or not he would make it into heaven. He f... ...rank thinks that what he’s seeing is something you could only see in the movies like a beautiful scene. And he makes it sound like he’s in a movie theater. Frank’s dream of returning to New York came true. Relevance of the Work to the Present Time:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This work has a lot of relevance to today; for one thing, there is still poverty. Poverty is a hardship that millions of people must face everyday. And relating to poverty, there is still discrimination between social classes. Hunger is very prominent today. This is another problem that millions must face. Also, in relation to the book, many people have problems with alcohol. And many people still make fun of one another, and succumb to incestuous pleasure.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is however one universal affair mentioned in the book which everyone experiences. And that affair happens to be dreams. Everyone has dreams and everyone dreams of something and no one ever questions it. The power of dreaming is not just a state of mentality but rather a force within everyone that no one can control. Frankie shows the power of dreams and proves that they can come true. He returns to America doesn’t he?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

All About Writing Topics Essay

An essay is a short piece of writing on a topic and presents the author’s point of view on the matter. It is a pure non-fiction presentation of the writer’s outlook on the topic that is the focus of the essay.1 An essay should be structured in different sections that make it easy for the readers to read and follow the author’s thoughts clearly. It is composed of the introductory paragraph, supporting paragraphs and the summary paragraph. The introductory paragraph is the first paragraph of an essay. It brings the main idea of the essay. It captures the interest of the reader and notifies why the topic is important. Another important part of an essay is the main body or the supporting paragraphs. In these paragraphs, the main idea is discussed. The points are cited one by one to develop the main idea of the essay. Aside from the introductory and supporting paragraphs is the summary paragraph which comes at the end of the essay. In this paragraph, all the ideas in the supporting paragraph are explained through a conclusion. By reading this part alone, the reader should be able to understand the whole idea of the essay.2 Since an essay can describe, clarify, argue or analyze, it has different types.3The four major types of essays are narrative, descriptive, expository and persuasive essays. In a narrative essay, the writer tells a story about a real-life experience. When writing this type of essay, writers should try to involve the reader by making the story as vivid as possible. A well-crafted essay builds towards a conclusion or making a personal statement. The second major type on the other hand which is the descriptive essay, paints a picture with words. A writer might describe a person, place, object, or even memory of special significance. The descriptive essay strives to communicate a deeper meaning through the description. This uses colorful words and sensory details. The third type is the expository essay. This essay is an informative piece of writing that presents a balanced analysis of a topic. Moreover, in this type of essay, the writer explains or defines a topic, using facts, statistics, and examples. Lastly is the persuasive essay. While like an expository essay in its presentation of facts, the goal of the persuasive essay is to convince the reader to accept the writer’s point of view or recommendation. In this type of essay, the writer should present all sides of the argument, but must be able to communicate clearly and without equivocation why a certain position is correct.4 Despite having many types of essays with various compositions, they have one thing in common. All essays are collection of interesting ideas which are thoroughly organized to assure that readers are able to fully understand the main ideas of the essays. 1 â€Å"What is an essay,† . 2 â€Å"Parts of an Essay,† . 3 Grace Fleming, â€Å"What is an Essay,† . 4 â€Å"Types of Essays: End the Confusion,†.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Clueless essays

Clueless essays Clueless is a modern day film based on the novel Emma by Jane Austin. The film includes the themes teen love, appearance, social class and friendship. There are 2 main characters in the film, the first is Cher, she is a rich teenage girl living in Beverly Hills and the second main character is Josh; who is her stepbrother who has come to stay. The film is about Cher trying to match make the new girl at Chers school, Ty, so that she will become popular, however in doing this Cher doesnt realise that she is only making herself and Ty unhappy. The main issue of the film is Chers journey to self-knowledge and understanding about herself and how other people, particularly Josh, try to help her get there. Cher is constructed as rich, beautiful, she lives in a nice house, is popular and incredibly clueless. The audience is positioned to responds to this construct by liking Cher from the beginning. It is often argued that the film Clueless has had great impact on the teenage generation. The opening two scenes in Clueless established Cher and her place in the world. The first scene showed all of Chers friends, her house and her jeep. Having all these things flashing in a montage the audience feels that they know what the story is about quickly at the beginning. During the montage the camera used tilt up shots, looking up at girls sunbaking on the rocks, these make the character look superior, and they used medium shots and also used almost every type of shot because this gives a wide view of the things in Chers life. This scene constructs Cher as a rich, selfish upper class girl. The opening scene in the film is set to the song Kids in America and Cher and her friends are a perfect match for the song. Cher and her friends are all good looking in this scene and the characters also all have nice clothes and therefore the audience is positioned to like them. The audience has been positioned to respond ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Online Car Rental System Tourism Essay Example

Online Car Rental System Tourism Essay Example Online Car Rental System Tourism Essay Online Car Rental System Tourism Essay Peoples travel from one topographic point to another for many grounds, some due to their occupations or concern and few for vacations and holidaies. As a traveler they can non have a auto in every topographic point or state they go, they ever prefer other options like public conveyances, cabs, coachs, trains and rent autos or motorcycles. Geting a auto on rent has become really celebrated due to the cost as it is much cheaper than utilizing cabs for a whole twenty-four hours and because it is much more secure and convenient. Keeping this in the head Researcher has decided to develop an online auto lease system, by utilizing on-line auto lease system a traveler can book the auto. As the name of the system suggest, this system will be an on-line auto lease system. This system will non merely assist the travelers to choose the auto of their chose but they can besides compare the different theoretical accounts of auto available and different type. They can compare monetary values, theoretical accounts and trade names. They can choose if they want that the auto should be delivered to their door measure with extra charges or they will pick up the auto from the nearest shop. They can choose the auto harmonizing to their demand and budget. Problem statement and Literature reappraisal aˆ? Expensive rent for travelers As stated by Flowers, J and Levere, J. ( 2008 ) due to lift in drivers fees and revenue enhancements such as province and local surcharges applied on airdromes, the rent of the autos can increase at an norm of 25 per cent. Due to lift in Tax, the travelers have to pay up to 25 % of revenue enhancement when the engagement or leasing a auto from the airdromes. Even if the traveler pays the higher monetary value they have to travel with the autos which are available at that point of clip in the auto rental office. It can be expensive autos or even luxury autos which are non in budged of every individual. To get the better of this job the Online Car Rental System will assist the traveler to book the auto even before they have arrived. So that they do non hold to pay excess airdrome charges and acquire any auto which is in their budget and which suits them and their demands. aˆ? Returning the auto remotely Harmonizing to Yang, Y. , ( 2008 ) , trouble is in uncertainness of length clip of the individual who have taken the auto on rent and which referred location he wants to return the auto. Sometimes a individual takes a auto on rent, but it is non certain when will the individual return the auto and will the individual be able to come to the same location to return the auto or non, in this state of affairs that individual have to pay more if he delay to return the auto on clip. This online auto rental system will supply an online service where the individual can increase the clip bounds and predefined the location individual will be dropping the auto or he want the auto to be taken from. aˆ? Can non reserve specific auto theoretical account Harmonizing to Korstanje, M. E. , ( 2011 ) , Due to restriction in operations creates job for tenant to reserve specific theoretical account. Reservations are non given on the footing of theoretical account but group. Due to operation restriction in the country like airdromes, this job causes issue like in which the tenants are non able to acquire what they really want and they have to travel for the auto which is available in the shop even if it is non what they are willing to hold. This online system will assist traveller to make online engagement in which he can choose which auto he prefer with the installation of comparing with other auto on the footing of type and monetary value so that he can makes best determination. aˆ? No clip for client s feedback As said by Meyer, C. , and Schwager, A. , ( 2007 ) , Due to many minutess by single clients which are monitored by the company they does non acquire clip to take feedback from them sing the service provided. When a client comes to an office for leasing a auto, due to holding many clients the staff member of the company does non acquire opportunity to inquire clients sing their services because of which their jobs are non rectified. To rectify these issues the online auto rental system will hold an on-line feedback service after each client have done with their dealing at the clip of logout. The system will inquire for a feedback from the client. aˆ? Time cachexia As said by Ahlstrom, C. , Kircher, K. , et al. , ( 2012 ) , Due to a individual error of the airdrome rental service it take hours to acquire autos on rent. When there is a job in the airdrome rental service it can take hours to acquire the auto on rent which is really blowing the clip of the tenant. In on-line auto lease system the reserve will be done before traveler arrived at the airdrome so that when the traveler arrives at the airdrome the auto will be ready to be taken. aˆ? Change auto on each path As said by Asconavieta, P.H.S. ( 2011 ) auto rental companies normally work on the regional footing because of which traveler have to alter auto on every path. Due to shortage of country coverage as the auto taken for the company should return to the same location makes the traveler to maintain altering the auto even if they go from one province to another. They have to come back to the same location. So when they go to different province they have to alter their auto. To rectify this job the online auto rental system will hold an option of choosing the country the clients want to return the auto. So In the state like Emirates or Maldives where the country is short, the auto can be taken from one province to another province without any jobs. aˆ? Improper programming for proper auto use As stated by Minodora, 2009, improper programming in auto lease companies causes the company unable to use their auto and even increase work clip for tenant to acquire auto. Due to improper programming in the auto lease companies the auto pass more clip in the company s auto batch or clients have to wait until the auto is non returned. Using on-line auto lease system the programming will be done online by the client itself as the auto which they select they have to set the clip they will return. If in instance they fail to return or inform the pickup point excess charges will be charged to them. aˆ? Return auto on the same bureau location Harmonizing to Goldbarg, M. , Asconavieta, P. and Goldbarg, E. , ( 2012 ) , auto rented from a company can merely be returned to the bureau of the same company. If a tenant take a auto from a company he or she have to return it to the same bureau of the same company but if the individual is new in the part it will non be possible for him to make that it will be blowing of clip in seeking for the bureau. In the online auto lease system the tenant can choose whether he wants to retune the auto or he wants the auto to be taken from where he is, it can be hotel, airdrome, promenade or any other location he can predefined the location online and the auto will be picked up from him. aˆ? Insufficient gross Lin-in, H. , and Tao, Q. ( 2011 ) described that auto leasing companies in certain countries unable to acquire sufficient gross for growing. This issue is due to concentrating on a limited part because the rate of sale additions based on the country of the company it is located in if the company is limited to its country merely. In on-line auto lease system there will be no boundaries, the company can concentrate on any location and acquire gross from any portion of the country or even state if the state is non in a bigger size like Emirates or Maldives. aˆ? Rejection due to short clip frame Harmonizing to Guerriero, F. , Olivito, F. ( 2011 ) in order to increase the gross, company with limited auto does non lease the auto for a twenty-four hours or few hours. Because of limited country of work company does non give their autos for short period of clip to increase their gross which make it hard for the traveler to seek auto leasing company after he hold reached to the unknown state or location. As the online auto lease system allows traveler to book the autos online. A individual does non truly hold to travel through all this type of issues as a individual will be acquiring the auto every bit shortly as he or she arrives. Research Aims A ; Aims 4.1 Purposes To make an online system, that will let travelers to easy lease a auto. It will besides let user to choose the auto harmonizing to their demand and compare it with other options of autos. Make it easy for a traveller to return the auto on distant locations. Solving the manual programming job as every dealing will be done online. 4.2 Aims Is to make a dependable web base online system on which user can entree utilizing cyberspace from anyplace. To utilize package tools in execution, this will assist in implementing characteristics for easy entree. Allow system users to take part in the early phases of development so the result will be user oriented. Research Questions There are two classs in which the research worker has classified the inquiries. 5.1 Domain research Questions How the system will assist in auto programming? How the system will impact the operation of the leasing company? How the proposed system is different from bing systems? How to incorporate on-line payments by recognition cards? 5.2 Technical research inquiry Which scripting linguistic communication can be used for the proposed system? Which data base system can be used for the proposed system? How the different characteristic can be implemented into the system? Which web authoring package can suits best of the system? Research Design 6.1 Domain Research The research in sphere research will be conducted from literature beginning like diary, eBooks, white documents and library books. Furthermore research will be done by utilizing on-line resources such as IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar and my Athinais. 6.2 Technical research Chiefly Web resources such as eBooks and diary will be used in carry oning proficient research. Research Plan Personal Contemplation 7.1 Facts happening Methods The fact happening method which the research worker will utilize is questionnaire and interview fact happen methods. Questionnaires are nonsubjective and will make excessively many respondents which will supply research worker with sufficient information for accurate analysis. On the other manus the interview method will let the research worker to acquire deep apprehension about the subject country. 7.2 Restrictions Like every system have some restriction, in order to roll up informations and questionnaire from traveler during the development will be hard and their engagement is non possible so this affair can be overcome by utilizing societal webs and other web application to take questionnaire before or in the early phases of the system development

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Comparison of the League of Nations and the United Nations

Comparison of the League of Nations and the United Nations Before the formation of the international organizations and regimes, the international system was characterized by wars, tensions and fears. The organizations were formed to bring sanity and restore peace in the world. The actors in the international system had experienced one of the most devastating events in human history.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Comparison of the League of Nations and the United Nations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As Held[1] could observe, the First World War brought about many problems in the international system that could not be handled by individual states. States had to cooperate in order to do away with problems associated with wars. Therefore, the League of Nations was erected to prevent the future occurrence of war. Unfortunately, the League was unable to prevent the occurrence of the Second World War due to its poor structure. This paper will compare the effectiveness of the two world organizations. Firstly, the organizations differ in that the United Nations receive overwhelmingly support from the superpower. The League of Nation never received any support from the world powers. States were initially concerned about their interests. For instance, Britain and France supported the rearmament program in Germany since they feared the resurgence of Russia. Unlike the League of Nations, the United Nations has the power to utilize force in solving conflicts. This is due to the realization that it reaches a time when the only language understood by man is violence. For instance, the United Nations Security Council slapped various economic and political sanctions to the Egyptian and Libyan regimes. The UN Security Council resorted to the use of no fly zone policy to enforce compliance in the desert states. The League of Nations could not achieve its aims and objectives since it could not utilize force to restore peace and democracy. In Germany for instance, the League of Nations engaged Germany in extensive discussions to drop its rearmament program. The organization bent low by trying to appease Germany to comply with its policies. The use of force was considered violation of state sovereignty and independence. The United Nations adjusted some policies of the defunct League of Nations mainly due to the changing nature of the international system. World leaders noted that war had to be avoided under all costs. The Second World War proved that each actor in the international system was not safe. The use of weapons of mass destruction showed that world security was very important. Another difference is that actors in the international system are willing to support and act on the proposals of the United Nations. After the First World War, the major powers never cared about the interests of other states. The US employed non-interventionist that is, isolationist policy.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This meant that the US would never interfere with the affairs of any other actor in the international system. This was a big problem to the League of Nations since it could not receive funding from the well to do states such as the US. The United Nations enjoys the support of more than ninety states in the world. The powerful states are in control of the organization implying that funding is not a problem. In fact, the powerful states use the organization to further their interests. However, the two organizations share many things including the organs, fundamental objectives and ideologies. Furthermore, the focus of the two organizations is the same. Schneider[2] notes that the major problem to the two organizations was the maintenance of world peace. The international system exists according to the Hobbestain state of nature, which was a big problem to the two organizations. The organizations were put in place to serve as the Leviathan but they power and the authority to act unilaterally. In this case, the international system remains anarchic and brutal. The conditions experienced in the state of nature are not yet eliminated in the international system. Bibliography Held, David. Reframing Global Gorvernance:Apocalypse Soon or Reform. New Political Economy, 11.2, 2006, 158-176. Schneider, Peter. The Wall Jumper. Chicago: University of Chicago press, 1998. Footnotes David, Held. Reframing Global Governance: Apocalypse Soon or Reform. New Political Economy, 11.2, 2006, 158-176. Peter, Schneider. The Wall Jumper. Chicago: University of Chicago press, 1998. P. 46

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Why is money supply not under the tight control of central banks Essay - 3

Why is money supply not under the tight control of central banks - Essay Example mics, is that one of the main functions, or the main function, of the central bank is to analyse the progress of the economy, and then to steer it with skilful judgment towards health and growth, by making decisions to change their base interest rate, with carefully chosen timing, amount and direction. One of these objectives is the control of money supply ((Black 2000, Visser 2005, Smullen & Hand 2005). Fiscal and monetary policies are among the most important public policies available in promoting growth and stability within the institutional framework of a free, competitive society (Black 2000, Visser 2005, Smullen & Hand 2005). By definition, fiscal policy is customarily defined as a manipulation of the government financial transactions, why on the other hand monetary policy is governmental control over the quantity of money or its terms of exchange (Winston, Holt &Hall 1960). In other words, these are tools being manipulated by the government to achieve desired economic and government objectives. One of these objectives is to control the supply of money. Monetary policy is referred to as a means by which the central bank tries to sway the economy to equilibrium by influencing the supply of money (Black 2000, Smullen & Hand 2005). This is achieved through four main approaches, which include: printing more money; direct controls over money held by the money sector; open market operations and influencing the interest rate. Both tight and easy monetary policies can also be identified. Like easy fiscal policy, easy monetary policy is one whereby the central bank embarks on a policy to increase the supply of money. On the other hand tight monetary policy is a policy whereby the central bank embarks on a policy to limit the circulation of money such as increasing interest rates. Fiscal policy refers to a situation whereby the government restores equilibrium in the economy by making changes to taxes or government expenditure on public goods and services (Smullen &

Friday, October 18, 2019

Criminal Justice System of America and Britain Research Paper

Criminal Justice System of America and Britain - Research Paper Example Still, there are many differences and similarities between the judicial systems in these countries. The first difference occurs, when American lawyers are defense attorneys, notwithstanding that they prefer to call themselves â€Å"trial lawyers†. British lawyers name them â€Å"solicitors, representing people’s legal needs and barristers, who take the cases to civil or criminal courts† (Carter, 2001). The differences should be found not at the verbal level, but at much deeper conceptual and historical levels. Similarities and differences between the US and UK legal systems As far as we can see, there can be found a lot of parallels between English Common Law and the American legal system, many differences exist as well. It is relevant to trace the deep historical roots of legal system of these countries, because â€Å"the life of the law has not been logic, it has been experience...the law embodies the story of a nation's development through many centuries..." (Carter, 2001). There is no Supreme Court in the Great Britain and a government is positioned as a totally separated unity from the legal process. The House of Lords performs a function of the highest justice and represents the â€Å"court of highest appeal†. (Carter, 2001) In America, state courts are separated from federal courts, but in Britain the lowest criminal courts â€Å"Magistrate's Courts† exist.... In England there is Home Secretary, who is responsible for the criminal justice system and Wales and advising the Queen on the royal prerogative of mercy to pardon exercise given to a person who is convicted of a crime. In accordance with the US Constitution, the President has a power of a pardon (of course, this mainly happens on the basis of political considerations about the cases). Therefore, it is evident that legal and judicial systems are more separated from each other in the US. On the basis of the difference of the legal systems in Britain and America, it is clearly seen that the US Constitution is the leading legal document in America. The Judiciary has the control over its own actions and the Executive or Legislative branches can obtrude in this process. Another interesting fact is that the Executive branch is responsible for appointments of federal judges and judges in the Supreme Court. The Congress has a right to either approve or disapprove such kind of appointment. Th erefore, on the basis of these facts the independence of the American judiciary can be questioned. The differences between judicial systems between these two countries occurred after the Revolution, when â€Å"American law became, in some ways, More than less English....The law later needed was not to be found in the colonial past....Only England had a supply that American lawyers could use without translation or transformation." (Knight, 1996) Still, the majority of lawyers and critics claim that the development of the judicial system should be a more dynamical process. In order to accommodate republican versus monarchial system of Britain, America

Enterprise Networking and Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Enterprise Networking and Security - Assignment Example 1 Introduction It has been concluded by some experts that the year 2012 is considered to be the worst year in terms of computer network security breaches (Schirick 2012). Likewise, the year that has not even passed the half year mark, some of the foremost companies were sufferers of network security breaches resulting in massive losses (Schirick 2012). However, the news buzz only highlights Sony and Citibank to be victims of network security breaches, as these companies are popular among the public. The other sides of the picture highlights organizations of all sizes are affected by the consequences of network security breaches. Likewise, it can be concluded that network security risks are continuously evolving, modifying and growing at a rapid pace. Organizations normally install a firewall and even intrusion detection systems that triggers alerts of any suspicious activity, as these two components only covers the technical domain and not the human and physical domain. The current n etwork scenario is utilizing a Virtual Private Connection that is connecting one or more sites. However, the VPN connection is also entitled to allow internet traffic on the same dedicated line from the Internet Service Provider. Moreover, the current network only utilizes a single firewall that is located at the main campus of the university. It concludes that the rest of the two remote sites are only protected via a simple Network address translation function that is incorporated in a DSL modem. Moreover, there are no advanced security appliances such as Intrusion detection systems for analyzing and monitoring any suspicious activity that may possibly become a threat to the University’s computer network. Moreover, there is no patch management for updating security patches in the workstations connected to the network. There are no indications of hardening servers for instance, email server, application server, centralized server and database server must be hardened and needs physical protection as well. 2 Security Vulnerabilities The current network security vulnerabilities will be accessed in three categories i.e. logical security, internal security and external security. As far as logical security is concerned, we can see that the fig 1.1 demonstrates a firewall, Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) server and a domain controller with Microsoft Active Directory. The three categories for network vulnerabilities are categorized as below: 2.1 Logical Vulnerabilities The current logical controls for protecting information assets within the network are active Microsoft Active directory, ISA server and a Firewall. The Microsoft active directory is not primarily a security control, as it does not mitigate any risks associated with viruses, worms, Trojans, phishing, spam, denial of service attacks etc. however, it provides a secure administration of user profiles and File sharing features. File sharing threats are spreading on a rapid pace, as every now and then, new file sharing technologies are getting being developed and in demand. Controls will not only provide value from all network based services, but will also augment productivity for the organization in terms of revenue, customer loyalty and competitive advantage. Workgroup based environment is not centralized. For instance,

Alexander the Great--Vision beyond Conquests Essay

Alexander the Great--Vision beyond Conquests - Essay Example During the years of his fearless and ferocious life span, Alexander conquered almost a quarter of the earth’s total land surface area in a very young age. The world knows him only to be the war heroic icon; however, the actions and initiatives he had undertaken for the battles and the strategies he had framed for them reflect the political structure of the then western countries and the subsequent changes in the trends of administrative as well as cultural aspects in the past. This essay will focus on the merits and influence of the Great Alexander’s imperial majesty through an evaluation of events and incidents and their positive effects on the world history of politics and culture consisting of ancient European and West Asian provinces centered by the Roman regime. A comprehensive study of his warfare tactics and military surveillance strategy hopefully gives the best effect of the required material literature. The Making of a Conqueror Alexander, who was born to King Philip II of Macedonia and Princess Olympia in 356BC, was much luckier than a normal prince to see his father’s consecutive victories and continuous strive for administrative excellence. An otherwise wise Alexander was a genius in all the fields he had been trained by Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher. In his early teenage itself, he became a scholar of science, medicine, literature and philosophy, which later helped him in turning to a complete military think-tank. The incredible achievement streak of Alexander’s imperial life had a rather fantastic inception with his successful undertaking of his father’s army against the rebels of Thrace through a swift and successful power demonstration. Alexander’s thirst for supremacy over the entire European provinces then led him through conquering Greece and Illyria before he set his aim on Asia Minor. All through the battles fought against the powers across the southern belt of Asia Minor, Alexander had to face the resistance of the Greek army and entered the invincible Gordium. It is said that, â€Å"Alexander knew the legend that the man who could untie the ancient knot was destined to rule the entire world† (Alexander of Macedonia). Based on this fundamental approach, Alexander captured the power of Persia and began the expedition to the Asian mainland with an invasion through the Issus pass in northwestern Syria. The major credits from his philosophical abilities and the definite levels of leadership skills helped him unite and raise the morale of soldiers of the armies of all the countries he conquered. Marching towards the Persian Empire was not easy for him as expected with Darius’ mammoth number of soldiers blocking his way, but at the end of the Battle of Issus, success turned the Macedonian way. From then, the path became easy for him to Syria and Phoenicia except for a considerable amount of resistance from the city of Tyre, which he eventually defeated and c ontinued the expedition towards Egypt. The Spiritual Line The entry to Egypt was in fact the most specific period of Alexander’s time, as he had a spiritual route to the Egyptian culture. The passionate natives even believed him to be the divine ruler descended as their God’s own son. According to certain findings, â€Å"Alexander no doubt won great popularity with the Egyptians by conducting proper,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

ART 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ART 2 - Essay Example This paper shall briefly discuss the concept of iconography. Moreover, iconographic evaluation shall also be done on two kings of Mesopotamia and Egypt who represented their culture. Iconography is that study of art that interprets meanings and purpose behind art pieces. The study also deals with the broader understanding of symbols that beholds mysterious and encrypted messages. Iconographers evaluate different content presented in the form of art such as paintings, sculptures etc (Kleiner & Mamiya, 2010). On evaluation of images of Egyptian king, it can be observed that they were always presented surrounded by feminine. This represented Egyptian culture and structure of Egyptian kingdom. It was not known until the iconographers compared all the art pieces of Egyptian king. It was observed that sculptors were made in order to reflect the prestige of kings. Also, iconography helped in understanding that Egyptian kings were drawn after their deaths because that kept them alive in the memories of people. This resulted as an addition of their family prestige and their kingship (Kleiner & Mamiya, 2010). For instance, the image selected for iconographic evaluation of Egyptian king represents Seti I as being welcomed by a Goddess.

Public Management and Administration Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Public Management and Administration - Case Study Example Government by proxy has grown into a more diverse, pervasive, and an all-encompassing phenomenon that is here to stay. It is imperative that public administration scholars and policy makers offer proposals to reduce or eliminate the problems created by third party government and in turn improve government performance. Government needs partners to do its job. These partners present themselves in the form of for profit and non-profit organizations as well as state and local agencies. From the case study ‘should private contractors be guarding public buildings?’, it is stated that the Federal Protective security- FPS employs 1225 persons who are responsible for 2360 federal facilities. This shows a clear gap that gets filled by the government through proxy. By contacting out to fill the security gap required for public buildings, the FPS turns from a direct service provider to a generator of public value. It is vital that all federal building become well-guarded to protect national interests and property which gets funded by taxpayers’ money. If the government is unable to employ and train the required number of security guards required to man this buildings, contracting out seems a viable option. Government by proxy offers innovation and the ability of the contracted firms to tailor their services to meet customer demands. Contracted security firms get to train their guards on the requirements and challenges posed by the job contracted. These private security firms dedicate their time and capital into offering the ultimate service for their customer as they are in competition with other firms too. From the given case study, the author states of a meeting with private security guard who told him that he was trained on twenty one different weapons. This indicates the training level to which private firms engage their guards in preparing them to meet with the rising threats of insecurity

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Alexander the Great--Vision beyond Conquests Essay

Alexander the Great--Vision beyond Conquests - Essay Example During the years of his fearless and ferocious life span, Alexander conquered almost a quarter of the earth’s total land surface area in a very young age. The world knows him only to be the war heroic icon; however, the actions and initiatives he had undertaken for the battles and the strategies he had framed for them reflect the political structure of the then western countries and the subsequent changes in the trends of administrative as well as cultural aspects in the past. This essay will focus on the merits and influence of the Great Alexander’s imperial majesty through an evaluation of events and incidents and their positive effects on the world history of politics and culture consisting of ancient European and West Asian provinces centered by the Roman regime. A comprehensive study of his warfare tactics and military surveillance strategy hopefully gives the best effect of the required material literature. The Making of a Conqueror Alexander, who was born to King Philip II of Macedonia and Princess Olympia in 356BC, was much luckier than a normal prince to see his father’s consecutive victories and continuous strive for administrative excellence. An otherwise wise Alexander was a genius in all the fields he had been trained by Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher. In his early teenage itself, he became a scholar of science, medicine, literature and philosophy, which later helped him in turning to a complete military think-tank. The incredible achievement streak of Alexander’s imperial life had a rather fantastic inception with his successful undertaking of his father’s army against the rebels of Thrace through a swift and successful power demonstration. Alexander’s thirst for supremacy over the entire European provinces then led him through conquering Greece and Illyria before he set his aim on Asia Minor. All through the battles fought against the powers across the southern belt of Asia Minor, Alexander had to face the resistance of the Greek army and entered the invincible Gordium. It is said that, â€Å"Alexander knew the legend that the man who could untie the ancient knot was destined to rule the entire world† (Alexander of Macedonia). Based on this fundamental approach, Alexander captured the power of Persia and began the expedition to the Asian mainland with an invasion through the Issus pass in northwestern Syria. The major credits from his philosophical abilities and the definite levels of leadership skills helped him unite and raise the morale of soldiers of the armies of all the countries he conquered. Marching towards the Persian Empire was not easy for him as expected with Darius’ mammoth number of soldiers blocking his way, but at the end of the Battle of Issus, success turned the Macedonian way. From then, the path became easy for him to Syria and Phoenicia except for a considerable amount of resistance from the city of Tyre, which he eventually defeated and c ontinued the expedition towards Egypt. The Spiritual Line The entry to Egypt was in fact the most specific period of Alexander’s time, as he had a spiritual route to the Egyptian culture. The passionate natives even believed him to be the divine ruler descended as their God’s own son. According to certain findings, â€Å"Alexander no doubt won great popularity with the Egyptians by conducting proper,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Public Management and Administration Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Public Management and Administration - Case Study Example Government by proxy has grown into a more diverse, pervasive, and an all-encompassing phenomenon that is here to stay. It is imperative that public administration scholars and policy makers offer proposals to reduce or eliminate the problems created by third party government and in turn improve government performance. Government needs partners to do its job. These partners present themselves in the form of for profit and non-profit organizations as well as state and local agencies. From the case study ‘should private contractors be guarding public buildings?’, it is stated that the Federal Protective security- FPS employs 1225 persons who are responsible for 2360 federal facilities. This shows a clear gap that gets filled by the government through proxy. By contacting out to fill the security gap required for public buildings, the FPS turns from a direct service provider to a generator of public value. It is vital that all federal building become well-guarded to protect national interests and property which gets funded by taxpayers’ money. If the government is unable to employ and train the required number of security guards required to man this buildings, contracting out seems a viable option. Government by proxy offers innovation and the ability of the contracted firms to tailor their services to meet customer demands. Contracted security firms get to train their guards on the requirements and challenges posed by the job contracted. These private security firms dedicate their time and capital into offering the ultimate service for their customer as they are in competition with other firms too. From the given case study, the author states of a meeting with private security guard who told him that he was trained on twenty one different weapons. This indicates the training level to which private firms engage their guards in preparing them to meet with the rising threats of insecurity

Compare the article in the Independent Essay Example for Free

Compare the article in the Independent Essay Compare the article in the Independent with the article in the Daily Mail, addressing the following aspects; layout, content and language. From this comparison, what conclusion can you draw with regard to the targeted readership and intended selling point of each newspaper? In this essay I will be comparing two very different articles from The Independent- a broadsheet and The Daily Mail- a tabloid. The story I will be studying is about a 14 year old boy called Luke Walmsley. Whilst he was waiting in the corridor to enter a classroom he was stabbed in the chest by a fellow pupil. The incident took place at the school he attended; Birkbeck School in Lincolnshire. The whole incident is said to be over who was better at sport and a girl that both boys were fond of, Luke had been seen getting close to this girl and the boy must of grown jealous. The boy who stabbed Luke had come from a troubled background himself and he was said to be quite insecure. I will discuss the following aspects the layout, content and the language that is included within the two articles, from this I will draw a comparison with regard to the targeted audience and intended selling point of each newspaper. The Daily Mail and The Independent are two different types of newspaper. The Daily Mail is what is known as a tabloid newspaper and focuses directly on the most popular events, human interests and trivial matters . A tabloid newspaper differs from the broadsheet paper this is included in its size, the range and depth of its coverage and the ratio of images to text. A Tabloid is around half the size of a standard broadsheet paper. Reports are more simplified or more direct and compact versions of a report. They also include a lot more images relating to the article. A tabloid is often found to be extremely biased and tries to influence the publics opinions on the reporters own certain views. The Independent is a broadsheet style newspaper. It generally focuses on the true given facts and includes great detail and goes into great depth in its articles. The question is why do people want to buy these newspapers? The Daily Mail attracts its readers by using a high rate of colour and images on its front page which is bound to catch the eye of passers by and interests them to buy the paper. In comparison to information in other newspapers it is often found to be exaggerated and is therefore in my opinion aimed at the less educated person. It is simple, easy and quite enjoyable to read with a range of bright pictures to accompany the article. The Independent doesnt tend to use a lot of colour neither does it use many pictures. The reason I believe in which The Independent attracts the nation into buying the newspaper is by publishing truthful, detailed accounts. They only focus on what they know for certain are true facts and relevant figures. Tabloids are made up of celebrity news and gossip which is exaggerated to make the story more appealing. This type of article is aimed at the lower and of the market. Broadsheets, however, have a far more mature approach to what they publish and include news that is of a interest to the whole nation young or old, although in general it is often written to target the higher better informed end of the market. Broadsheets incorporate details about the shares and stock market, business news and in general financial information I think this would appeal to a high status businessman, a professional management team or a politician. However by saying this I am being quite stereotypical because many people are interested in the stock market so they may just buy this type of paper for the finance section and not care what else is published within the paper whether it may affect them or not. Concentrating on the article, firstly I will discuss layout. The layout of the Daily Mail is bold and in your face which is very eye catching. The pictures are vibrant in colour and stand out another eye catching feature. When using a picture, it has to be chosen carefully. They must have an effect on the person looking at it whether or not its on a personal level or an image you recognise. Having this image alongside the bright, bold headline that cannot be avoided makes the paper stand out and really makes you notice the paper. The way in which the headlines font and size is changed and how the headline is worded is well constructed to make the story stand out and appear more exciting and readable to the papers targeted audience. Due to the fact that the daily mail is a tabloid it is therefore aimed at the lower end of the JICNAR scale in the c1 e category making it easier to read. The jobs these people may have would be lorry driver, factory workers, building site labour and unemployment. The front page is the main selling point to actually encourage people to buy and read the paper. Many housewives would also read The Daily Mail for its gossip and celebrity news.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Aspects Of Deep Sea Life

The Aspects Of Deep Sea Life The discoverer of the titanic, Dr Robert Ballard famously referred to the deep sea as far more alien than going to mars or the moon. The deep sea is one of the largest virtually unexplored ecosystems on the planet; it is found at a depth of 1000 fathoms [1] and is subject to adverse changes in temperature, pressure and light penetration amongst other factors. Therefore as expected fish decrease in abundance, and species diversity. This trend is prominent as in order to survive the harsh conditions of the deep sea, fish need a number of specific adaptations. Allowing them to ultimately survive, feed, and reproduce. The deep sea is one of the most hostile environments in the world, which a living organism is subjected to. As you progress from the surface (the epipelagic zone) through to the abyssopelagic zone near the basin of the ocean; the environmental characteristics begin to alter dramatically. Light, pressure, oxygen, temperature and food are abiotic factors that have all led to the fascinating adaptations of deep sea life. Pressure alone increases by 1 atmosphere for each 10m in depth which is an astonishing rate. The deep sea temperature remains between 2-4Â °c, which is just another factor inhabitants must overcome in order to survive, along with a reduced quantity and accessibility of essential factors like ;oxygen, food and light[3]. Figure 1From the surface to its deepest depth the ocean is 11km deep, and with this distance comes a vast change in physiological feature of fish as they try to survive the changing conditions. The bottom of the deep sea exists in darkness as little light penetrates through the surface. Therefore most inhabitants have to rely on their senses to survive. The fish require light to survive; they use it to locate food, during the mating season and to identify prey or predators. It is a vital resource but as light is absent in the deep sea, Many fish have developed special adaptations in order to survive. The viper fish (shown in figure 1) possesses large eyes to catch the little light present. This helps them to locate prey as well as avoid predators. [4] Light cannot penetrate any deeper than the epipelagic layer, therefore the only light present is that produced from the inhabitants themselves. A percentage of deep sea fish are able to create light through the chemical reaction; bioluminescence. Most of the light created by marine organisms is blue-green in colour. As blue light travels best in water and most marine organisms are sensitive to blue light.'[6] Anglerfish produc es the chemical luciferin which reacts with oxygen to create light. The light helps species communicate, attract a mate or prey, or deter predators. As the bioluminescent lure is believe to mimic the movements of zooplankton. [6] Being the lower layer of the ocean, it is no wonder the pressure is immense for the fish of the deep. The pressure exist between 200-600 atm , and in order to survive this immense pressure deep sea creature have special adapted bodies which have no excess cavities, e.g. Swim bladders that would collapse under intense pressure, instead they have neutral buoyancy where there bladders are filled with lipids. The deep sea dragon fish lives at a depth of 5000 meter, to survive the dragon fish has soft ,flabby, flesh and bones this aid its ability to survive under the extreme pressure. The deep waters are extremely cold reaching a maximum temperature of 3 degrees, deep sea temperature is relatively stable with the exception of hydrothermal vent where hot water is emitted, but there is little fluctuation in water temperature. The cold water slows the metabolism of the fish, so many of the deep sea animals move very slow and have special enzymes that deal with the unique environment. The sea cucumbers carry high levels of unsaturated fat in their cell walls to maintain membrane fluidity in this cold, high-pressure environment. The cold water is the poorest environment for oxygen content. As oxygen concentration decrease as the temperature does. Fish have evolved by being more effective at removing oxygen from the water by posing a large gill surface area. However in the deep sea oxygen is not replenished as due to the lack of light penetrating, photosynthesis does not occur. In addition the nutrient salt concentration of the deep sea is much higher than found above a s the sea floor act of a graveyard for dead biological material. Therefore fish of the deep sea have a low metabolic rate to conserve energy reducing their need for oxygen. Also fish posses hemocyanin respiratory protein; this protein has a very high affinity for O2 and large Bohr effects. [6] They also have a short diffuse distance from water to blood allowing the oxygen to be used immediately, satisfying over half of their oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange through the skin, so more oxygen can be collected through the day. Due to the lack of photosynthesis, plant life exists at its lowest percentage in the deep sea. Zooplanktons and phytoplankton rarely find themselves in the deepest depth of the ocean. So many of the deep sea fish are predators but this means food is minimal in the waters. There are a number of fascinating feeding mechanisms that deep sea fish have employed. Firstly the formation and use of the bioluminescence for hunting, fish use their ability to produce light to mimic patterns that attract prey, the angler fish uses light producing bacteria that help create a special fishing rod like fin that hangs over the head. This light helps attract the prey. The viperfish use light in its mouth to lure the prey into its awaiting stomach. [7] Some deep sea fish do migrate upwards during the night when less predatory are present to feed but as food is in such low concentration , energy conservation is a high priority to deep sea fish and therefore most of the fish hunt by the lie and wait metho d. As deep sea fish poses a well developed lateral lines, this is a sense organ that can detect movement and vibrations in the water. This allows the deep sea fish to detect prey passing them so they can dart out to capture them. [8] With the shortage of food available in the deep sea, the inhabitants must be prepared to eat whatever they find and thus must be equipped for this; they have large mouth and huge jaws. piscivorous is a sit and wait predator, its morphological characteristics are large body size, large gape, long sharp depressible teeth and large eyes. Some have non functioning gill racks so that smaller fish can pass through to its mouth easily ,nearly all deep sea fish have protruding, flexible, huge mouth and extended alimentary canal in order to store more food and prolong the digestive time. Other deep sea fish like lamprey feed on the dead carcasses that fall from above, they are adapted to this mode of feeding as they contain barbells around there mouth which help s them feel for food in the mud. But it is the black dragon fish that is most evolved for predation as it has the ability to produce red light below its eye so can see other fauna where most fish have an inability to see red light. In order to live with the lack of food deep sea inhabitants posses a large lipid rich liver that do not function for buoyancy but as an important energy source. This allows them to use this in times of extreme shortage. The most reliable food source for the deep sea environment is the constant rain of organic debris from the organism above. larvaceans have adapted to produce a mucus that can catch this marine snow so it has a steady food supply. With the shortage of food and the increase of carnivores in the deep sea, one of the most important aspects is protection against predators. Deep sea fish have developed many ways to survive the jaws of another inhabitant. Firstly coloration plays a massive role, as fish can produce a variety of colours and some fish like the flat fish can change it coloration to match it surroundings at the time. fish have distinct marking on their body to disguise themselves, the jacknife high hat have dark lines that run through its eyes to hide them, so you cannot tell where the fish or looking or if it is in fact a fish. Butterfly fish trick there predators with the presence of spots on their bodies that resembles eyes. Other fish exhibit collation known as counter shading, this means they are dark on top against the dark background and light on the bottom, so if a fish look up its disguised by the little light showing. Some fish have mirror like scales that reflect the light so the fish will mi rror the background. Most fish that inhabit the deep sea are usually red or transparent as this means they will not be detected by predators. Other forms of protect is the ability to produce venom, sting rays have poison glands that can help catch prey and ecsacpe predators. Others use electric organs that can be used as a defence mechanism or simply to feed . deep sea shrimp has an antennae that sense chemical in the water to help avoid predators whereas giant squid have two eyes , a larger one that looks to the surface catching light , this light in then passed onto the smaller one which can now look down with the possession of light to see any prey or predatory below. Successful reproduction in lightless habitats in based mainly on chemical communication, as the fish must provide effective fertilisation in the absence of any visual orientation [9]. In the deep sea many of the fish are simultaneous hermaphrodites; they can spawn with any individual encounter [10]. Overall reproduction is very similar in the deep ocean to that of the fish at the surface, although fish in the deep sea are known to produce large quantities of sperm and eggs to increase their chances of successful reproduction. The darkness of the habitat makes locating a mate is difficult as they are few and far between, so deep sea fish have evolved to be able to detect the smell of other fish in water, Latern fish have developed small body organs on their sides called photophores, these pigments can produce light that are arranged in specific pattern, these can be seen at long distances and are recognised by potential mates. Viper fish have a unique method of fertilization. Once there eggs are fertilized they float to the surface and become part of plankton, but as larva develop into juveniles they tend descend to the bottom, which mean food is not scarce during their essential development stage. This method increases the survival of viper fish by over 50 %. The angler fish is yet another fish who has a unique method of reproduction , the angler fish method ensure successful reproduction as the male anglerfish has a over developed olfactory organ which allows them to locate the female , the male is small and is therefore more active than the female . Once the female is located the male bites down and becomes a permanent attachment and begins to receive his nourishment from the female while he provides the sperm. The female can have more than one male attach which mean productivity is high and survival is more likely. All fish characteristics their body to suit their environment, deep sea fish are no different those near coral reef are vertically compressed like angel fish; it allows them to move about in the crevices of the reef. As their highest priority is manoeuvrability [11] Sting rays that inhabit the benthic zone of the sea have a depressed shape. They have extended pectoral fins giving them a heart shaped disc. Fish that live on the floor of the ocean rely on their shape and camouflage to catch prey and to survive against predators. The benthic fish bury themselves in the floor of the ocean to hide from their predator; their anterior down turned mouth is useful for bottom feeders. There pectoral fins have sensory receptors and taste buds to locate food. The most amazing adaption of bottom dwelling fish is there negative buoyancy which allows them to lay on the bottom of the ocean with ease. This is just another adaption deep sea inhabitant have secured in order to live. Deep sea fish are often described as bizarre looking as they have adapted their bodies to suit their habitat. These adaptions include large eyes, adjusted body shape, self-luminous cells and sensory organs. The deep sea is virtually unexplored compare to any other environment, meaning knowledge is minimal the only reason for the lack of understanding is our inability to research in the extreme conditions, the fish of this fierce habitat are extremely adapted, removal of the inhabitant alive is rare. proving that deep sea fish have evolved massively. They no longer resemble inhabitant from the layers above. You can go as far as to say they are almost a species of their own. But ultimately adaptations are highly important in surviving any environment but in the deep sea the fish have had to evolve immensely just to survive. [1] [2] [3] [4] [] [6] [7] [8] [9] Deep sea and extreme shallow water habitats: affinities and adaptions by Franz Uiblein, Jorg Ott and Michael Stacowitsh 1996 [10] [11] Adapted from